Ezekiel 28 – Cursed Dragon

Cursed Dragon Story – Ezekiel 28:1-19

Discipleship Drawings

Anointed Angel – angel & banner – God created a leader among angels. Lucifer was beautiful and blameless. God gave him wisdom, honor, and favor.

Pride’s Origin – dragon, crown, sword – The angel became proud because of his wealth, power, and great skill in trade. He became wicked and violent.

Outcast Rebel – mountain, cloud, crown, dragon – Lucifer considered himself a god, so God cast him out of heaven. Kings and nations witnessed his downfall.

Tragic Aftermath – water, flame, chains – The nations were appalled at his transformation from angel to dragon. He is cursed forever, living in a deep, fiery pit.

Storytellers Sight

  • Imagine how God felt watching Lucifer grow corrupt.
  • Compare Lucifer before and after his downfall.
  • How can a servant of God end up this wicked?
  • Make a list of some of the mysteries in this story.
  • Imagine you’re there, watching Lucifer change into a dragon. What stands out about his transformation?
  • Consider Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before a fall.”
  • What does it feel like to lament the loss of a loved one? What’s life like on the other side of great loss?

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