1 Samuel 1 – Hannah’s Sorrow

Hannah’s Sorrow Story – 1 Samuel 1:1-20

Discipleship Drawings

Unhappy Wife – man, mother, baby, woman – Elkanah had two wives. Peninnah had children; Hannah was barren. She was loved and blessed but very unhappy.

Family Drama – mother, baby, son, grieving woman – Peninnah mocked Hannah’s infertility often, causing her to weep. She would not eat in her great distress.

Desperate Heart – temple, praying woman, tears – One day, she visited the Shiloh temple. Hannah prayed, begging God for a son that she would dedicate to him.

Peace Blessing – priest, cloud, mother, baby – The local priest thought Hannah was drunk; but she explained her anguish. Eli asked God to give Hannah children.

Storytellers Sight

  • Why do some cultures highly value having sons?
  • What were some of Hannah’s marriage problems?
  • How does it feel to be relentlessly provoked?
  • Have you ever been so upset that you can’t eat?
  • How does Elkanah’s response demonstrate that he did not understand the depth of Hannah’s suffering?
  • What’s it like to publicly hide your internal stress?
  • Is God still good if he doesn’t give what you ask for?
  • What signs showed that Hannah finally found peace?

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