John 3 – Religious Leader

Story Outline

Curious Teacher (1-4) – Jesus, teacher, crown, cloud > Nicodemus visited Jesus at night. He said he believed Jesus was from God because of his miraculous signs.

Drawings: Jesus (man & cross) met with a priest (man & hat) to discuss God’s kingdom (crown & cloud).

Water & Spirit (5-10) – water, dove, fire > Jesus said you must be born again to enter heaven. “Born again” means you die to your old life of sin (water) and live a new life of faith in and friendship with Jesus (Spirit).

Drawings: Jesus explained that we must die to self (water) and be reborn in the Holy Spirit (dove & fire).

Yahweh’s Love (11-17) – king, cross, staff, cloud > Nicodemus was confused. Jesus explained that God proves his love by sending his Son to save the world.

Drawings: Jesus explained that God (king & cloud) will shepherd the nations into salvation (staff & cross).

Light & Darkness (18-21) – post, flame, woman, man > Everyone has two choices: believe in Jesus and be saved, or reject Jesus and remain separated from God.

Drawings: The Gospel’s (post & flame) two responses: believe (receiving woman) or reject (hiding man).

Discipleship Activities

  • Worship > Praise God for who he is and what he has done.
  • Pray > Pray for yourself, family, friends, enemies, and all nations.
  • Listen > Listen to the story.
  • Draw > Draw the story.
  • Practice > Use the drawings to tell the story in your own words.
  • Create > Create your own drawings/illustrations for the story.
  • Discuss > Discuss the meaning of this story with a friend or group.
  • Learn > Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. What does he want you to learn?
  • Share > Ask the Holy Spirit if there’s anyone you know who needs to hear this story.
  • Abide > Rest in the Holy Spirit, enjoy his friendship, and listen to his voice.

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